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Treat yourself to some new net posts

A lot of net posts out there are made with inexpensive materials and can’t handle being outside all the time. They often deteriorate quickly and eventually break. Not what you want, right?

We’ve got two robust yet beautiful choices for you:

‘Wimbledon’ Posts

If you’re feeling fancy, check out our favourite wooden posts. They’re treated to last and give your court that classic Wimbledon vibe. Plus, they’re easy to swap in for your old posts  as they fit into the same ground sockets as the standard posts.

Our Standard Net Posts

These aren’t your average posts. They’re super tough, come with a heavy-duty coating, and have a solid brass thing to wind the net. They last longer and look way better.

If you would like to learn more then head over to our Tennis Court Refurbishment page to find out about these and other upgrades.

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